"Macrobiotic lecture series at Souen East Village
(326 East 6th Street, Between 1st & 2nd Ave)
Lecture charge $5
Phone: (212) 388-1155

New York City Macrobiotic Lecture Series & Macrobiotic Counseling at Souen Soho
Souen Macrobiotic Restaurant
210 6th Ave & Prince St. NYC
Lecture Time: Sunday Mornings 10:00 -11:30 AM
Lecture Cost: $25.00 at the door
New York City Souen Soho Macrobiotic Restaurant
Sunday Morning Lectures Dates:
January 30, 2015 Body and Mind Causes of a Lack of Joy: Happiness Resurfacing!
Are you struggling through the day? If you seem to be lacking the joy that we had as children, this lecture will explain physical solutions such as diet, and mental solutions such as beliefs, that hold you back from happiness. 4 Key areas; 2 mental and 2 physical will be discussed.
February 27, 2015 The 5 Animal Frolics: The Crane Exercise - Feel Energized!
Learn key exercises from one of the oldest healing sets of chi gung from China. We will focus on the standing Crane which leads to flexibility, lightness of body and mind, releasing tension and improving the liver function.
March 27, 2015 The Role of Stress in Sickness and Health: Biting the Stress Bullet!
What does insomnia; fatigue, drowsiness after meals, a low sex drive, frequent urination, anxiety and depression have to do with each other? All are symptoms that a person is stuck in the stress mode. Learn about the role of stress in poor health and good health, and what steps to take to reduce harmful stresses with diet, lifestyle, and thought.
April 24, 2015 Cleansed: The Dangers of the Cleansing Fad: A Bad Idea?
Cleansing has become a popular fad and big business in the last 20 years. Outrageous claims of healing are made for all the different cleanses, but do the really work? John will explain the negative health consequences on all the heroic cleanses. Find out the best way to cleanse toxins through sensible natural eating and lifestyle practices versus austere diets and fasting regimens.
May 29, 2015 Diagnosing Digestion: You Can Help Your Digestive Juices!
A popular expression is “you are what you eat”. This is partly true. The other part is that you are what you digest. Learn how to assess the current state of your digestion and what steps to take to get more from your food by revving up your digestive process.
June 26, 2015 Surprising Food Cures: Easier Than You Think!
Lots of people know about the benefits of certain foods for health such as fruit and vegetables. What people don’t often know is that there are surprising benefits of specific natural foods that you wouldn’t have thought of. You will hear about the salt cure, the butter cure, and the sugar cure and more.
August 2, 2015 The Benefits of Comfort Foods: We Need Them!
Do you know that there is a Natural Comfort Foods Day in the U.S? The foods that make us feel emotionally satisfied are often put down by the health gurus as guilty pleasures. Discover the benefits of comfort foods, the sweet, the fatty, the delicious and how to choose better quality comfort foods.
August 30, 2015 Diagnosing Your Inborn Strengths and Weaknesses: Know Thyself!
Oriental medicines that were developed in the past have discovered ways to assess the strength of your genetics. In my East West diagnosis system, I developed ways to connect the visual clues of oriental medicine, in your face, hands and body, with the modern organs of western medicine. You will learn your inborn strengths and weakness and what to do with this knowledge to create balance and greater wellness in your daily life.
September 18, 2015 Ideas to De-stress: You Can Do It!
Stress can be good or bad. A certain amount of challenge creates stress that makes us stronger. If stress is excessive, it causes weakness and eventual sickness. There are common causes of stress such as sleep stress, diet stress and many more that will be identified and explained in this class. Many ideas to help you de-stress will be presented.
October 16, 2015 Health Foods That Are Healthy and Health Foods That Are Not: :)
As the natural foods movement matured, we are getting to the point of understanding that not everything that is labeled natural is healthful. In fact, some of the darlings of the health food gurus are downright unhealthy. Come learn about the most healthy and most unhealthy health foods in order to protect you and benefit your wellbeing.
November 13, 2015 Myths and Truths about Sugar: Holidays Are Coming, Let’s Enjoy!
Sugar has gotten a bad rap these days. It is blamed for everything from diabetes to cancer. The reality is that sugar is essential to run your body and mind. Learn about when sugar is good or bad, how different sugars affect us, which sugars to avoid or limit, which to eat and when.
December 18, 2015 Who Needs Supplements? Feel Better and Stronger!
Purist natural health advocates and conservative doctors believe that no extra nutrition is needed except what you get from foods. Orthomolecular physicians and natural health researchers and counselors have successfully healed disease and enhanced health with various nutrition supplements since the 1940’s. Learn the truth about supplements and how they make great improvements to a healthy diet and lifestyle.
NOTE: Available over the NYC lecture week in New York City and New Jersey for Macrobiotic Health Counseling and Private Sessions - Qigong, Ki Acupressure (shiatsu) and Private Education Sessions - Call for information or an appointment: 413-623-5925
November 15, 2014 - MACROBIOTIC INTRO TALK
Dr. Flor Marques speaks about Macrobiotics
Macrobiotics requires only that you eat in harmony with your
environment. By eating well, you will create order and balance
in your daily life. Your peaceful spirit will extend to your family
and community and eventually influence the whole world.
Click here...
September 23, 2012 to December 16, 2012
John Kozinski's Souen Lectures are available on CD/DVD call 413-623-5925 for more information.
September 23, 2012: Energy at Your Fingertips: Self-Acupressure for Greater Health and Vitality
Imagine that you can create cures for common ailments such as headaches, poor digestion, fatigue, insomnia, and create greater wellbeing by simple techniques you can perform by yourself in a few minutes. Imagine no more. In this class from your seat, you will learn very simple self-massage techniques that can cure common ailments and give greater mental and physical wellbeing.
October 21, 2012: Preventing and Recovering from Diabetes
There are 25.8 million children and adults in the United States who have diabetes. Each year 1.9 million new cases are diagnosed in people 20 years and older. Type 2, the most common form of diabetes in adults, takes at least 20 years to develop. Drugs are limited in their effectiveness for this disorder. Diabetes is connected with many diseases such as heart disease and overall poor health. Learn how to avoid this disease, stay in better health if you have it; and in many cases see improvement and even recovery. The link between diet and lifestyle for both prevention and recovery will be explained with specific suggestions.
November 18, 2012: Prevention and Cures for the Coming Flu and Cold Season 2012-2013
Why do some people get terrible colds and flus when around sick adults and children, and others either get very mild cases or don't get sick? It is because of natural immunity that some have and others don't. In this class, you will learn how to strengthen your natural immunity by avoiding negative diet and lifestyle practices. Key foods and health practices will be explained that will boost your immunity. If you happen to get sick, you will learn cold and flu remedies for a quicker recovery.
December 16, 2012: Stress Busters: How to Create Health and Happiness in 2013
Many forms of stress interfere with enjoying physical health and emotional happiness to our fullest extent. As we approach the New Year, come learn ways to finally get rid of and melt the stress that is holding you back. Learn traditional and modern ideas about the body mind link that will help you to eat well, balance your lifestyle and personality for the best New Year to come.
John Kozinski Macrobiotic Counseling & Teaching in NYC & NJ
March 23-27, 2012
Call: 413-623-5925 for more information or to schedule an appointment for macrobiotic health counseling, Ki acupressure (shiatsu) or Qigong lessons
Lecture information and Location:
Souen Macrobiotic Restaurant
210 6th Ave & Prince Street. New York, NY
Sunday from 10:00AM - 11:30AM
Cost: $25.00 at the door
Restaurant opens at 11:30
March 25, 2012 "Are You Addicted?"
Sixty percent of psychotropic drugs worldwide are consumed in the United States. Millions of people suffer from addictions to prescription drugs, alcohol, street drugs and pain killers. Food addictions are common and lead to the overeating of empty junk foods, excessive amounts of meat, other high protein foods, sugar, dairy products, excess salt and fats, and stimulants like coffee. Obsessions in adults have been related to attention deficit disorder, stuck thoughts and repeating negative emotions. In modern society these are so common as to be considered normal. New scientific breakthroughs in brain science explain how modern lifestyles and diets are causing the tragedies of our addictions, obsessions and cravings. Traditional oriental medicine understood these problems from other view points. John will give you insights from both views. He will explain what food remedies, nutrients, herbs, lifestyle practices, exercises and ideas can help us begin the journey of recovery. He will explain ways to detox from the effects of alcohol, drugs, sugar, caffeine and poorly combined and excessive amounts of poor quality meats, and dairy products.
April 22, 2012 "Feel like you're on your last legs? How to Add Years to Your Life & Life to Your Years"
Most people would want to live longer if those added years were healthy, productive and satisfying. Sadly, as people live longer in modern societies, this is not often the case. This class will combine the traditional wisdom and understanding of promoting longevity by preserving the three treasures of the body, essence, energy and spirit with a modern understanding of the body and nutrition. John will explain and give recommendations concerning the link between longevity and environment, diet and nutrition, emotional equilibrium, sexuality, supplements, exercise and breathing, fasting and mental clarity.
May 20, 2012 "A Macrobiotic Approach to Herbs for Food and Healing"
Traditional cultures following the macrobiotic philosophy of balance in their daily diets and lifestyles always utilized herbs for healing, daily foods, and to prevent disease. In this class you will learn about key herbs that can be used for healing and strengthening the body. We will discuss the healing and health benefits of Echinacea, the ginsengs, Chinese tonic herbs, triphala, astragalus, reishi and shiitake mushrooms, culinary herbs such as basil and oregano, and more.
June 10, 2012 "Your Body Type: What It Means for Your Health and Happiness"
In the Far East a person's constitution is classified according to the quality of energy that a person is born with. These energies are fiery, watery, golden, earthen, and wooden. The dominance of a type of energy influences your health and personality. This form of oriental diagnosis can give your deep insights into your health and personality, helping you to plot a smooth course in life activities and relationships. You will learn how to make balance for your body type through food, activities and exercise.
Souen East Village on News Cafe
Marisa Marinelli on Alicia Silverstone's Blog! Watch her Documentary on TV Tonight!
Dear Family, Friends (Old and New), Blog Readers, and Health Community - I'm so excited to share with you my article that is posted on Alicia Silverstone's Blog, The Kind Diet.
TONIGHT, Thursday, January 19th
My episode on "The Incurables" will finally air on Veria Network at 9pm EST! They have documented my healing journey recovering from ulcerative colitis. It's been a year in the making for me, but well worth it as I really hope it can inspire many. My episode will launch a new revised season of The Incurables, hosted by the amazing country singer JEWEL!
If you can tune in, that would be amazing OR stay tune for a local viewing for those in Manhattan area who do not get access to Veria Network.
If you haven't already, you can check out my revamped website to get more information.
Again, HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who have reached out or followed me through 2011.
Much health and happiness in 2012!
- Marisa Marinelli
John Kozinski Macrobiotic Counseling & Teaching in NYC
November 13, 2011Call: 413-623-5925 for more information
to schedule an appointment for macrobiotic health counseling, Ki acupressure (shiatsu) or Qigong lessons
Lecture information and Location: Souen Macrobiotic Restaurant 210 6th Ave & Prince St. New York, NY |
Time: Sunday from 10:00AM - 11:30AM Cost: $25.00 at the door Restaurant opens at 11:30 |
November 13, 2011 "The Truth About Heart Disease"
We have been told for over 60 years that the cause of heart disease is eating too much fat and cholesterol. Only reducing fat and cholesterol in one's diet has proven not to prevent or cure heart disease. The many drugs that are prescribed offer a band aid at best. This class will explain the truth about heart disease; how it is related to common malnutrition, toxicity and stress that most people in modern countries suffer from. Holistic doctors and practitioners have been prescribing food, supplements and lifestyle practices to heal heart disease for over 60 years, but these are not in common practice. Learn how to prevent and recover from a disease that claims one out of 2 lives in the United States.
December 18, 2011 "Feng Shui Astrology: Understanding Your Character, Personality and Health Tendencies"
Feng Shui, or the art of placement is the oriental science that teaches the energetic influences of your environment on health and well being. Related to this study is the science of understanding how your date of birth influences your character, personality and health. This is the study of the environmental influences that shaped you in your mother's womb. Known as 9 Star Ki, in Japan, this understanding can give you deep insights into understanding your health and character and the health, and character of your friends and family. This is an ancient macrobiotic practice to help create harmony within you and with others.
See John's CURRENT, PROGRESSIVE & INTEGRATED macrobiotic lecture cd's and dvd's at his website www.macrobiotic.com or call 413-623-5925
John KozinskiDiane Macedo explores the natural and holistic approach to the macrobiotic diet.
John Kozinski Microbiotic Lecture Series & Counseling
Souen Soho Macrobiotic Restaurant
210 Sixth Avenue and Prince St. New York, New York
Time: 10AM to 11:30AM
Lecture Cost: $25.00 at the door.
www.macrobiotic.com - 413-623-5925
John Kozinski Souen Lectures for Fall 2011
Learn the latest information on Macrobiotic lifestyles for health and healing through the experience of master teacher and health researcher, John Kozinski. John has taught and counseled thousands of students in his private practice and at the Kushi Institute for over 30 years.
September 11, 2011 "Addictions, Obsessions and Cravings"
Millions of people suffer from addictions to alcohol, street drugs and pain killers. Food addictions are also common. Food addictions lead to the overeating of empty junk foods. Related to food addictions are cravings for non foods such as sugar, white flour and chemicals. Obsessions in adults have been related to attention deficit disorder. Experts feel that this condition is more common than we think. New scientific breakthroughs in brain science explain how modern lifestyles and diets are causing the tragedies of our addictions, obsessions and cravings. John will explain what food remedies, nutrients, herbs, lifestyle practices, exercises and ideas can help us begin the journey of recovery.
October 16, 2011 "Healing Down to the Bones"
Diseases of the bones such as arthritis and osteoporosis are epidemic in modern society. Why is it that the remains of the bones from some primitive peoples of thousands of years ago appear denser and harder than our bones today? What are Americans and many other moderns doing different than the ancients? This class will examine what is the cause of these modern bone disorders and offer remedies to prevent the occurrence of and aid in the recovery of arthritis, osteoporosis and other related health problems.
November 13, 2011 "The Truth About Heart Disease"
We have been told for over 60 years that the cause of heart disease is eating too much fat and cholesterol. Reducing fat and cholesterol in one's diet has proven not to prevent or cure heart disease. The many drugs that are prescribed offer a band aid at best. This class will explain the truth about heart disease; how it is related to common malnutrition, toxicity and stress that most people in modern countries suffer from. Holistic doctors and practitioners have been prescribing food, supplements and lifestyle practices to heal heart disease for over 60 years, but these are not in common practice. Learn how to prevent and recover from a disease that claims one out of 2 lives in the United States.
December 18, 2011 "Feng Shui Astrology: Understanding Your Character, Personality and Health Tendencies"
Feng Shui, or the art of placement is the oriental science that teaches the energetic influences of your environment on health and well being. Related to this study is the science of understanding how your date of birth influences your character, personality and health. This is the study of the environmental influences that shaped you in your mother's womb. Known as 9 Star Ki, in Japan, this understanding can give you deep insights into understanding your health and character and the health, and character of your friends and family. This is an ancient macrobiotic practice to help create harmony within you and with others.
Alicia Silverstone Is Not 'Clueless' About Health
Talks about Macrobiotic Life Style."How can arrogance be cured?" by Michio Kushi
How can arrogance be cured? To cure it, one should experience it. Whoever says "I am not arrogant" is arrogant; whoever says "I am arrogant" is not. If you try to attack and accuse an arrogant person in order to make him change, you will fail.
The best way is simply to let him enjoy his arrogance to the full. This might cause him to lose his life, or to be destroyed, or to meet great misery, or to make enemies. This is the greatest trial. When a mother, or a teacher, or religion, says "Don't do this, don't do that," it causes unhappiness and never solves anything.
Moses said "Don't" ten times and his commandments have never made anybody happier or higher. You should give unconditional freedom to others; there is only one thing which must done according to the Order of the Universe, everyone must have absolute freedom. By the accurate, eternal and perfect laws of Infinity, some will pass the test, and others will be destroyed. They will be destroyed by their arrogance, without the need of your intervention.
Michio Kushi (from the forthcoming re-release of the Order Of The Universe Booklet - "Expanding Pathways" - from lectures of Michio Kushi in 1966.